Let’s start driving
Providing professional state approved driver’s education in the Sioux Falls area.
Choose a package that best fits your needs
Tired of being waitlisted for driver’s education? Wait no longer! I will have a zoom class available March 2025. You may also book me for a group of 10 students or more. If your school currently does not have driver’s education available, have them reach out to me. I can make driver’s education happen at your school.
I have a lot of parents reaching out to me who have teens involved in sports and having a hard time scheduling driver’s education. I can customize a class and work around your sports schedule if you have at least 10 students interested.
You may start Driver’s Education classes before your 14th birthday. Most school districts won’t because they are prioritizing ages 15-17 years.
Prices subject to change due to gas prices
All prices include tax and fees
classroom instruction
Not available, please return to website in January for 2025 dates
This option includes 30 hours of classroom instruction. Students who successfully pass this course will be provided a stamped certificate that is needed to show the DMV to waive the Written exam and obtain their instruction permit. This course is perfect for those who are anxious about taking the written exam or who want more knowledge about the rules of the road. You will need to wait 275 days until you can obtain your restricted permit.
classroom and behind the wheel instruction
Not available, please return to website in January for 2025 dates.
This option includes 30 hours of classroom instruction and 12 hours behind-the-wheel instruction (6 hours driving with an optional 6 hours observation). Students who successfully pass this course with an 80% or above will be provided a stamped certificate that is needed to waive the Written and Driving exam at the DMV. Teen drivers must log additional driving hours and hold onto the certificate until 180 days has passed from the time you receive your instruction permit. You will then take the certificate to the DMV to acquire your restricted permit.
private session
Adult or teen drivers
October is booked, contact if you are only interested for November dates
This option is for you if you don’t want to learn in a group or have special scheduling needs. I will tailor the lessons accordingly to your driving needs that easily fits into your schedule. This option is available for teens or adults who want extra practice behind the wheel.
Acquire driver’s license
October is booked, contact if you are interested in November dates
This option is for adults who already have their instruction permit. As a certified driver’s education instructor, you may drive 6 hours with me, I will administer the driver’s exam. If you pass, you will then receive a stamped certificate to take to the DMV and obtain your driver’s license if you are an adult. If you choose this route you bypass the driver’s exam at the DMV. You will still need to pay the driver’s license fee. This package is also for teens who already have their instruction permit, after driving 6 hours with me and passing a driver’s exam, you will take a stamped certificate to the DMV after having your instruction permit for 275 days to receive your restricted license.
This option is convenient for those who don’t have a car to practice in. I provide the vehicle for driving and the exam.